Call: (302) 945-0633 | Text: (844) 369-2943

Call: (302) 945-0633 | Text: (844) 369-2943
-Sunday: 8am service,
9:30am Adult Bible Study
11am service
-Tuesday: Tops (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) 10am,
Zoom from Home Adult Bible Study 6:30pm
-Wednesday: Adult Bible Study 9:30am, C.D.A. 8pm
-Thursday: Kingdom Prayer 3pm
Check out one of our services below
Pastor Allen Miller
Find out what we teach pertaining to The Holy Scriptures, The Trinity, Jesus Christ, The Resurrection, The Holy Spirit, The Gospel & Man.
We have adult programs
& children's programs
Check out our Calendar to stay up to date on events in the church.
We love our congregation & community, so feel free to visit us at Sunday Service!
Community Church of Oak Orchard, 32615 oak orchard rd, Millboro, DE 19966, US
Call: (302) 945-0633 | Text: (844) 369-2943
Today | By Appointment |
Your support and contributions will help further God's kingdom in our community. Thank you!
Community Church of Oak Orchard
32615 Oak Orchard Rd. Millboro, DE 19966
Call: (302) 945-0633 | Text: (844) 369-2943